Meeting Location: Town Offices

Meeting Opened: 6:30 p.m.                     Meeting Adjourned: 9:45 p.m.

Jay Jacobs, Chair                                         Present

Andrew Maneval                                        Present

Jonathan Miner                                          Present

Documents signed and reviewed:

The Select Board reviewed financials for the week ending April 9th, 2016 and signed cash disbursements totaling $17,086.48.

The Selectboard opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the terms of sale for 119 Main Street. After some discussion, the Selectboard decided to create a bid spec form establishing the minimum bid at a price of $25,000. The Selectboard made an agreement on the bid process for the sale of 119 Main Street. The Selectboard intends to advertise the sale of 119 Main Street and the Chesham Fire Station at the same time.

The Selectboard noted that the Town has paid the budgeted monies for the social service groups that the Board funds.

The Selectboard signed an Invoice from Abel Twitchell for $2,375 for the final payment for the website for the Town of Harrisville.

Health Trust – The Selectboard signed final rates for Medical Benefits.

The Selectboard signed the Notice of Intent to Excavate for Robert Ervin of 613 Route 137 (Map-10 Lot-3)

The Selectboard signed the Notice of Intent to Excavate for David O’Neil of Hancock Road (Map-10 Lot-6)

The Selectboard received an Email from Eversource regarding the location of the pole on Main Street that needs to be repaired. The Selectboard would like a new light pole and ask that Angela go to the Eversource website and complete the request.

Town Garage:

The Selectboard needs to review the details further regarding the Final Requisition for the Town Garage before they approve the payment.

The Selectboard had a walk through with the plumbing contractor and Road Agent Wes Tarr. The Board was informed about the operation of the plumbing system and received manuals for the equipment.

Department Items:

Conservation Commission – With respect to Mr. Cucchi’s request, the Selectboard would expect that the Conservation Commission would deal with any requests for recusal, and that the Selectboard would only receive requests for it to review recusal issues, in respect to decisions made by the Conservation Commission in specific cases.

Selectman Jacobs reported that the Harrisville Conservation Commission unanimously voted to recommend Andrea Polizos as a Board member. Mrs. Polizos stated that she taught science for thirty years in Keene and has a bachelor’s degree in fisheries and wildlife from Virginia Tech and attended Antioch University to study environmental studies. Selectman Maneval moved that the Selectboard accept the nomination, and Selectman Miner seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to approve the motion.

Mr. Sims stated that the HCC would have been more enlightened if they had a copy of survey, plat, deed, or any other information involving gasoline or oil when considering the sale of the Chesham Fire Department. Selectman Jacobs reported that the Selectboard plans to sell the lot as is.

The Select board will have the first public hearing on the sale of the Chesham Fire Garage on the day of and coincidentally with the next Conservation Commission Meeting on May 4th, 2016, with a second public hearing to follow there after.

Fire Department – The Selectboard received correspondence from Michael Chase from Hanover NH who is looking for a used one-ton truck for the Hanover Fire Department.

Recycling Center – The Selectboard was going to ask staff to check with Charles as to whether he has applied for a grant from New Hampshire the Beautiful for a floor scale. However, Phyllis had informed Select Board members that we could not make a second grant request within a one-year period, following the grant that was awarded respecting the glass crusher.

Safety Committee – The Selectboard received a copy of the Meeting Minutes for April 7th, 2016 and noted that the next meeting is scheduled for May 12th, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. to inspect the Recycling Center and Library.

Tax Collector – The Selectboard signed the Warrant Timber Tax Levy for Jay Jacobs in the sum of $3.84.

The Selectboard acknowledge receipt of an Email from Rennie Timm regarding the set up of information for the Tax Kiosk; the Selectboard ask Angela to organize data for Avitar’s use.

The Selectboard ask for clarification regarding the Tax and Land Appeal for the next Selectboard meeting.

The Selectboard signed the Gravel Tax Levy in the amount of $47.74 for Robert Ervin (Map-10 Lot-6).

Town Clerk – The Selectboard signed all of the Oaths of Offices.

After reviewing the past minutes, the Board noted that they never went into Executive Session on February 5th, 2016, therefore, there are not any minutes available.

Other Business:

Road Agent Wes Tarr has been asked to sign a driveway permit on Kendall Cove Road, which is a private road. Mr. Tarr has no jurisdiction on driveway permits on a private road.

The Selectboard acknowledged receipt of an Approval for Operation of Individual Sewage Disposal for Henry Dawes at 196 Mason Road.

Chabott Coal & Oil – The Selectboard acknowledged that due to high pricing for pre-paid fuel this season, Chabott Oil issued a check to the Town of Harrisville for credit remaining in the account.

The Selectboard received an Email from John Cucchi requesting all pricing of Attorney Silas Little Bills pertaining to him or his property. The Selectboard requests Angela provide Mr. Cucchi with access to the records requested. It should be noted, however, that we do not have a bill from Mr. Little yet in respect to recent services.

The Selectboard discussed the agenda for the meeting with the Department Heads.

The Selectboard adjourns this meeting until Monday, April 11, 2006 at 9:00 a.m. and ask that the Department Heads attend.

Upcoming Meetings:

April 11th – Department Head Meeting at 9:00am

May 9th – Audit

April 21st – Planning Board Chair and Conservation Chair will meet with the Selectmen at 7:00pm

May 29th Memorial Day Service (11:00am)

May 30th Memorial Day (Office Closed)

July 4th – Independence Day (Office Closed)

September 5th – Labor Day (Office Closed)

Minutes From April 11, 2016 Continuation of the Select Board Meeting

[commencing with the Board’s meeting with the Town Department Heads]:

Present for the Department Heads Meeting were the three Select Board members and Chief Derosia, Chief Driscoll, Wes Tarr, Patty Massey, Rennie Timm, Phyllis Tarr, Randy Tarr, Jr., and Mike Wilder. The meeting commenced at 9:00 am.

We discussed the proposed “Town of Harrisville Purchasing Policy.” Various points were made in opposition to the implementation of such a policy, including that there would be costs in obtaining multiple bids (including both out-of-pocket costs for estimating or similar work performed by bidders, and/or the costs of the time spent by Town employees to obtain the multiple bids), and that it had never been necessary and was not necessary now. Alternative views were that Department heads should be able to spend within their full discretion up to amounts set out in their approved budgets, that there was extra value in “loyalty” to certain providers and to dealing with the same providers/vendors over time, and that in any event, the dollar values were unrealistically low. In support of the Policy, it was observed that the process would increase “transparency” for Town purchases.

The alternatives presented by the Select Board were that the proposed Purchasing Policy could be: (a) Not adopted at all; (b) Adopted but with additional conditions, such as that purchases could be made within budgeted amounts, either in respect of specific purchases or overall annual department budgets; (c) Adopted but utilizing higher dollar thresholds; or (d) Adopted “as is.” The vast majority of Department heads favored category (a). The Select Board thanked the Department Heads for the input, and indicated that a decision on this proposed policy would be made in the future and communicated to the Department Heads.

The Select Board solicited any other topics for discussion among the Department Heads. Chief Derosia raised the issue of the HFD’s dissatisfaction with the Select Board’s conduct at the Town Meeting regarding the Fire Department’s Warrant Article, both as to its views about that Article and the manner in which it was handled. Also, the subject of contact with the Fire Marshall’s office in Concord was raised, with Chief Derosia indicating that the Select Board should meet with representatives there to seek to address burdensome training and certification issues. The Select Board discussed these issues with the group. There was also some updating and discussions regarding the 119 Main Street property sale, the proposed sale of the Chesham Fire Garage, the Aldworth Manor Road project, and the need for some repairs at various town buildings (including the doors at the HFD station, and the doors and windows at the Police station).

The Department Heads meeting was adjourned and the Select Board continued with its adjourned Select Board meeting. The Aldworth Manor Road issue was discussed, and the Warrant Article and the legal opinion from the Town Attorney were considered. It was determined that the Select Board would ask Shane Long to attend the next Select Board meeting, to ask him various questions and get his perspective on some of the issues and problems presented by the Article and by state law. Selectman Maneval asked Andrea to invite Shane to the next Select Board meeting, and she indicated she would do so.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 am.