Meeting Location: Town Offices

Meeting Opened: 7:00 p.m.                     Meeting Adjourned: 9:15 p.m.

Jay Jacobs, Chair                                         Present

Andrew Maneval                                        Present

Jonathan Miner                                          Present

Documents signed and reviewed:

The Selectboard reviewed financials for the week ending March 26th, 2016 and signed cash disbursements totaling $142,789.72, including a $125,000 payment to the Harrisville School District.

The Selectboard signed three Current Use Applications for Anne Howe.

Selectman Maneval moved to approve and sign Florence Timm’s contract for the position of Tax Collector. Selectman Jacobs seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to approve the motion. The Selectboard requests that Angela contact Mrs. Timm in order to get her to sign the contract and have it recorded by the Town Clerk.

The Selectboard submitted the proposed Purchasing Policy to Angela for distribution to the Department Heads and Board Chairs, for input and recommendations.

Monadnock Disposal Agreement – The Selectboard signed the contract with MDS with the correction of the length of the contract to state that it will be three years and not five, and further ask that the staff request either a new contract with the correct dates or that the changes be initialed by MDS. Road Agent Wes Tarr acted as a witness.

The Selectboard reviewed the letter from the New Hampshire Department of Safety and asked that Angela forward it to the Fire Department, so that the requirements for use of a bounce house can be met.

The Selectboard received the Town Meeting and Election Meeting Minutes for March 8th, 2016. Selectman Miner will review the minutes; the Board asks that Town Counsel Silas Little receive a copy of the minutes as soon as possible.

The Selectboard ask that Angela draft a letter for reimbursement for the appropriate amount regarding the work done on the South Road Bridge. One question is whether any reimbursement of prior paid items has been made.

Department Items:

Sherry Sims met with the Selectboard to discuss Planning Board membership. She reported that Ned Hulbert and she spoke with Nick Colony and Peter Thayer who have expressed interest in joining the Planning Board. She stated that the Planning Board Chairs recommend both Mr. Colony and Mr. Thayer to join the Planning Board as alternate members. The Selectboard asked that Mrs. Sims invite both Mr. Colony and Mr. Thayer to the next Selectboard meeting.

Winston Sims asked if the Selectboard was aware of any old oils or solvents having been spilled or dumped at the Chesham Road Fire Station site. Selectman Maneval stated that he would investigate the legal requirements surrounding this. He asked the Selectboard for any useful information that would help the Harrisville Conservation Commission to make an informed decision regarding the sale of the Chesham Road Fire Station.

Allan Saari met with the Selectboard to discuss his denied abatement request. He stated that when he made this abatement request he was not thinking of his own lot, but the lot across Childs Bog from his property. He stated that he does not understand why the property was assessed at $57,000, when it has 825 feet of frontage on Childs Bog; Mr. Saari stated that this is not relative in value to other surrounding lots. Selectman Jacobs stated that this has been previously explained to Mr. Saari by both the Selectboard and the Town Assessor. Mr. Saari stated that the property is undervalued, and requested that the Selectboard look into whether the property is under-assessed. Selectman Maneval stated that he would contact the Town Assessor and investigate this further.

Cemetery – The Selectmen signed an Authorization to Transfer $250.00 from the Towns General Fund to be deposited in the Cemetery Maintenance Trust Account.

Safety Committee – The Selectmen noted that the first meeting of the year would be on April 7th, 2016 at 9:00 a.m., regarding the inspection of the Fire Department and Town Office.

Town Clerk – The Selectmen signed the Wetlands Application for Brice Raynor of 251 Hancock Road.

ZBA – The Select board received a copy of the Meeting Minutes for March 16th, 2016

Other Business:

The Selectboard request that Angela send out a note to all of the Department Heads indicating that a meeting will take place on Monday, April 11th at 9:00 a.m at the Town Office.

The Selectmen ask that Angela contact Buddy to determine the name of the locksmith from Hancock, who could be contacted to assist with the locks in the Town Office. The Selectboard authorizes Angela to contact Mr. Ben Morris (see Jon Miner for address) to do carpentry work for the interior of the Selectboard administration office, and to acquire (used, preferably) a two-drawer locking cabinet to be installed in the office, as well.

NHDES Letter of Deficiency regarding the Skatutakee Lake Dam was received by the Selectboard and given to Selectman Maneval as the Emergency Management Director.

The Selectboard reviewed the document from Fernald, Taft, Falby & Little.

Upcoming Meetings:

April 10th – Audit

April 21st – Planning Board Chair and Conservation Chair will meet with the Selectmen at 7:00pm

May 29th Memorial Day Service (11:00am)

May 30th Memorial Day (Office Closed)

July 4th – Independence Day (Office Closed)

September 5th – Labor Day (Office Closed)