Meeting Location: Town Offices

Meeting Opened: 7:00 p.m.                     Meeting Adjourned: 10:15 p.m.

Jay Jacobs, Chair                                         Present

Andrew Maneval                                        Present

Jonathan Miner                                          Present

Documents signed and reviewed:

The Selectmen reviewed financials for the week ending March 19th, 2016 and signed cash disbursements totaling $10,794.24.

Paychex – Since Jay Jacobs remained Chairman of the Selectboard, there was no need to change the Paychex signature card.

RS Fireworks LLC – The Selectboard signed an agreement with RS Fireworks LLC for the fireworks display.

Mascoma Savings Bank – The Selectboard voted to make payments on the loan for the sum of $7,599.84, which represents three months of payments starting January 1st, 2016.

The Selectboard signed the Application Certification Agreement form for Federal Surplus Property

Eversource – The Selectboard ask Angela to find out the location of the light pole on Main Street and any other additional information available before the Board decides if they would like to replace or remove the light.

Department Items:

Allan Saari met with the Selectboard and stated that on page 25 of the Town Report it states that the 2015 Trust Funds totals over 1.2 million dollars, but has only generated $1,066 in interest. He suggested that the Selectboard put this money in a safe, secure account to generate more interest. Selectman Maneval stated that he would point this out to Charles Sorenson and ask him whether there are options or alternatives that the Board is not considering.

Mr. Saari stated that the Selectboard are elected to make decisions for the Town, and questioned why the Land Use Boards need to review the Draft Purchasing Policy. The Selectboard stated that they are consulting with the other Land Use Boards to receive input and keep the Boards informed.

Welfare Director Rosemary Cifrino met with the Select Board to discuss a person in need. Mrs. Cifrino reported that she reviewed the application and issued the check to the applicant. Mrs. Cifrino asked for an additional $400 one-time payment to pay for the applicant’s oil costs. She stated that after reviewing the application she endorses the applicant’s request. Selectman Maneval motioned that the Board approve the request for $400 to pay for the applicant’s oil costs, and Selectman Miner seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to approve the motion.

Selectman Maneval moved that the Board establish a Selectboard subcommittee on retirement benefits to be composed of Patrick Putnam, Thomas Hamon, Dean Ogelby, and Selectman Jay Jacobs. Selectman Miner seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to approve the motion. The Selectboard tasked the subcommittee with researching available options and costs estimates to bring back to the Selectboard to review and discuss.

Assessing – Based on the recommendations of the Town Assessor and all the other information available to the Selectboard in respect to this property, the Board thinks that it is inappropriate to approve the 2015 Abatement for Allan Saari.

Conservation Commission – The Selectboard received a copy of the Meeting Minutes for Wednesday February 3rd, 2016 and Draft Meeting Minutes for March 3rd, 2016.

Health Officer – The Selectboard will take the recommendation from David Belknap and the NH DES that states the Town only needs to test one water sample per beach.

The Selectboard received a copy of the Drinking Analysis Report for the Skatutakee Spring dated March 2nd, 2016 and note that it shows no contamination. Copies of this report are also posted at Skatutakee Spring.

Planning Board – The Selectboard received a copy of the Meeting Minutes for March 6th, 2016 and Meeting Minutes for March 9th, 2016.

Recycling Center – The Selectboard agreed to ask MDS for a three year contract to haul the Town’s waste from the Recycling Center at a price of $115 a ton and further direct Angela to ask Matt at MDS to provide the Board with a contract for those terms.

School Board – The Selectboard noted that there is a Regular Meeting for Monday March 21st, 2016 at 5:00 p.m.

Tax Collector – Selectman Maneval moved that the Selectboard determine that Rennie Timm be appointed as the Town Tax Collector upon swearing into office, and the Selectboard will offer her a contract as stipulated by statute. The Board requests that Angela Hendrickson contact Mrs. Timm to invite her to the next Selectboard meeting to discuss compensation. Selectman Miner seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to approve the motion.

Oath of Offices – The Selectboard officially voted unanimously to approve the following Oath of Offices:

  • The Selectboard signed an Oath of Office for Bonnie Willette for the position of Deputy Treasurer.
  • The Selectboard signed an Oath of Office for Patty Massey for the position of Deputy Town Clerk.
  • The Selectboard signed an Oath of Office for Michael Wilder for the positions of Building Inspector and Deputy Health Officer.
  • The Selectboard signed an Oath of Office for Rosemary Cifrino for the position of Welfare Director.
  • The Selectboard signed an Oath of Office for Andrew Maneval for the position of Emergency Manger Director.
  • The Selectboard signed an Oath of Office for Robert Collingsworth for the position of Deputy Tax Collector.
  • The Selectboard signed an Oath of office for Florence Timm for the position of Tax Collector.

ZBA – The Selectboard received Meeting Minutes for Wednesday February 17th, 2016 and Public Meeting Minutes for March 16th, 2016.

ZBA vs. Mr. Cucchi – The Selectboard received a letter from Town Counsel Silas Little that indicates the petition has been dismissed.

Other Business:

The Selectboard requested an opinion from Town Counsel regarding: A. The method and approach respecting the layout of Aldworth Manor Road and B. The sale of the property at 199 Main Street, per the passage of the relevant Warrant Articles at Town Meeting. We expect to hear from him on these points soon.

Selectman Maneval nominated Jay Jacobs as Selectboard Chair. Jon Miner seconded the motion, and the board voted unanimously to approve the motion.

The Selectboard designated Jon Miner as the Selectboard representative to the Zoning Board of Adjustment, as well as the alternate Selectboard representative to the Planning Board. Andrew Maneval will remain the Selectboard representative to the Planning Board and the alternate Selectboard representative for the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Jay Jacobs will remain the Selectboard representative to the Harrisville Conservation Commission and the Harrisville Historic District.

The Selectmen will find someone to fix the table on the file cabinets in the Selectmen’s Office.

Selectman Miner moved that the Selectboard request, pursuant to RSA-41:14-A, that the Conservation Commission and the Planning Board consider the Selectboard’s proposed sale of the Chesham Road Fire Department Garage and land and make recommendations with respect thereto. Selectman Jacobs seconded the motion. The Board voted in favor of the motion 2-1, with Selectman Maneval choosing to abstain. The Selectboard ask Angela to convey these minutes to each of these Boards for the purpose of conducting this review. The Selectboard ask that the next publically scheduled meeting be added to the agenda.

Selectman Maneval stated that the Selectboard needs to investigate options available for audio/visual equipment in the Town Offices for Land Use Boards to utilize during meetings. Selectman Miner will look further into this.

Selectman Jacobs stated that Selectboard must look into filling vacancies on the Town Boards.

Upcoming Meetings:

April 10th – Audit

May 29th Memorial Day Service (11:00am)

May 30th Memorial Day (Office Closed)