Visitors to the Town Offices this summer may have noticed some changes in the works. Selectmen’s Office staff Angela and Andrea and the Tax Collector, Laurie, all have now moved into new office space. The old Selectmen’s Office has been given up to allow a better quality workspace and permit more efficient space use. Angela’s old office will be used for secure filing and as a second private meeting/work space for the Selectmen to use in Executive Session. Our Assessor Lynn Cook and Treasurer Anne Havill will use this room when they work in the building. The Town Clerk’s office will be reorganized as well, now that Laurie has moved across the hall. As we work through these changes, we will take the opportunity to freshen up wall and floor finishes where needed.

Lots of changes are going on outside in Town as well. Wes Tarr, joined by Randy and Jim have been hard at work all summer. In addition to their regular responsibilities, they have worked with various subcontractors the Town hired to prepare the new Salt Shed site for building construction, which should begin about the time you read this. The road crew are also working with a concrete subcontractor to rebuild the bridge decks on the three 1925-1930 vintage bridges on Hancock Road and Prospect Street. The first one, Busybrook Bridge, should be completed as this goes to print. (New guardrails may take a bit longer.)

It’s certainly been a working summer, but with time other activities as well. Harrisville Old Home Day was very nice again this year, and we received many nice words about the July 4th fireworks. The Farmer’s Market is establishing itself this summer, and the weather has been very nice for those enjoying the Lakes.

On the land-use front, the Zoning Board, this Selectboard, and Planning Board have all dealt with some difficult and thorny issues. We believe communication and coordination between the boards is much improved from years past, and are encouraged to see the personal time and energy the various volunteer boards are devoting to Town work.

We know the Conservation Commission is pursuing a Natural Resources Inventory project, the Planning Board is working on bringing forward a new Master Plan. We hope to see some recommendations from the CIP Committee as we enter the fall.

Again, we want to thank all the Town’s employees for the strong work ethic they demonstrate and the support they give each other. There is a lot of work still to do, and it helps when we all move in the same direction.

Your Selectmen,

Jay Jacobs, Charles Michal, Seth Kallman