The Town of Harrisville applied for and obtained Federal ARRA and State OEP grant funding which when combined with Town appropriations at the March 2010 Town Meeting will allow the completion of three energy efficiency projects at Town buildings. The Requests for Proposals for the three projects can be downloaded here:
Request for Proposal RFP 20101 – EECBG 67 Lighting Retrofits at Town Buildings
Request for Proposal RFP 20101 – EECBG 68 Solar PV at Town Offices
Request for Proposal RFP 20101 – EECBG 70 Attic Insulation at Town Buildings
Work is to be completed in accordance with a grant awarded through the New Hampshire Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program; this program is fund through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program as approved by the U.S. DOE, NH OEP and the Grant Management Subcontractor TRC. All contracts for work under this bid, must comply with specific federal requirements, including but not limited to, the Davis-Bacon Act, the Buy American Act clause (Section 1605 of ARRA), the National Environmental Policy Act, and National Historic Preservation Act.
The Town is a Sub-recipient of grants managed by TRC Environmental Corporation. Any contract awarded a vendor as a result of the RFP will be a Sub-Contract to the prime contract between the Town and TRC, and be subject to various ‘flow-through’ provisions. Contractor will be required to adhere to all Federal, State and Local regulations and guidelines as they pertains to the project, including ARRA Special Provisions and Federal Requirements for EECBG projects. See Exhibit C available here.. Also, Davis-Bacon Act: Contractors will be required to comply with all provisions of the Act, including paying all labor at or above prevailing wages determined by the then current Department of Labor wage determination. As of the release of this RFP the following wage determination was current.